Review of the Book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.

 Review of the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.

This book was published in 9137 in an edition of only five thousand copies. The author of this book is Dale Carnegie and publishers are Simon and Schuster. Dale used to say that it was easier to make million dollars than to put a phrase into the English language.

Some interesting points from the book

There are too many fascinating points which directly or indirectly appeal the readers mind to read this book by and by. So, some of them are discussed below.

Talk in terms of other people’s interests:

It is the natural phenomenon that human beings love to listen and talk about themselves. If you want to keep them happy and get their attention toward you, start discussing those things which are of their interest. Disclose those things which they like to listen and they love to doing, then you will be surprised at how much they like you.

Though to win others heart and influence them is them is not an easy task. If you want to do it in a real sense then you need not to be an ordinary man rather you need to be unique and influential. Here I have used the word unique means not in terms of interest rather you need to be more positive and more trustworthy. As the last prophet did the same job, if he had not paid attention to the core interests of humanity and the religion of those people, probably he  would have not succeeded in his mission.

Don’t criticize:

Confusion misunderstanding and disparity only get birth when you start criticizing others and don’t give room to their thoughts. As we know that it is too much difficult to think that is why people start judging. If you become judgmental then of course people will distance themselves from you. 

Being sagacious and rational is not bad thing but misuse of your this very gifted talent is indeed a curse. It leads you towards destruction. As we believe that doesn’t matter how much competent you are, if you do not have an explicit direction and sound awareness, might be you cannot get what you want to get. Here I mean that counseling and positive feed backs are very important for your progression. Be critics does not matter but don’t hurt the sentiments of others, if is so, the people start leaving your company this may lead to resentment or possible hatred towards you.  Don’t point out your colleague’s mistakes each time, but ask some questions and allow the person to come to the conclusion that it could be a bit better on their own.

Say a person’s name:

Third very important thing which this writer has discussed is do not calling people through their pseudo-names. In west it considers a civil offense when you start calling someone with his or her pseudo-names. Even if you greet someone without taking his or her name they will consider it  misconduct and you will be judged as immoral person, no matter take time to learn their name and call them with their good names. This will show your background and your grooming. How your ethics and attitude has been nourished can be gauged by your behavior. So, this is the integral part of your behavior that you must take the take the good names before you are going to take someone’s name. By knowing people’s names could help you close the big deal as you would be surprised how valuable the opinions of others in a company are.


As someone says that “smiling is door to your soul or spirit”. First it shows your openness towards someone and secondly it a sing of love, peace and harmony. If you have a melancholy face and start greeting someone definitely if does not give a kind of impressionistic impression to him of her. If you greet him with smiling face then surely he or she starts to come closer to you.

Admit if you are wrong quickly:

Admittance shows your worth thinking and you big heart, as we know that we are human beings we commit mistakes. Since Adam we started committing mistakes but the repentance and admittance shows your bravery. If you rectify you mistake and realizing that very mistake believe me you start winning you enemies’ heart.  So do excuse because it is the identification of well-mannered and educated mind.

“Adam sa chal raha ha khataon ka silsila

Insan apna bap k naqsh-e-qadam pa ha”.

The above couplet means that committing mistakes is not crime because it is in our inheritance but do not accepting shows of ill-mindedness.

Thank You 

                                               Author: sadrudin


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