David livingstone

 David livingstone was a Scottish medical missionary and explorer of central africa.from the age of 10 to 24 he worked in q cotton factory and then went on to train as a doctor as he wanted to become a missionary.

In 1841 he was sent to southern africa, visiting areas where no white man had ever. Been and dicovored a number of lakes and rivers and above all the great Victoria falls.

When he returns to London in 1856,his finding about Africa made all of the maps of the time obsolete, and they had to be redrawn.

In 1957 he resigned from his missionary work and began to work for the British government, exploring east and central africa. But his great dream was to discover the source of the river Nile and to explore the land between this and sources of the river Congo.

During this period he was out of touch with his own country for a long time.an Americans expenditure under Morton Stanley set out to find him and in 1871 , came across Livingstone deep in the jungle.the two continued to undertake exploration together for a while , and then Livingstone left in another attempt to find the sources of the nile. He was found dead in what is now Zambia in 1873. His followers cut out his heart and buried it beaneath a tree there, then took his body to the coast. From here it was taken to London and buried in Westminster Abbey.


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