Be.d mcqs

 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of social media

a. Mass media reduces prejudice and discrimination )Right Answer)

b. Mass media enriches the educational programs 

c. Mass media increases student’s exposure to diversity 

d. Mass media helps provoke discussion of current issues

6.Professionalism and how it is to be obtained should be a priority of every_________ program 

a. Teacher education )Right Answer)

b. Teacher learning

c. Teacher improvement 

d. Teacher coaching

7. Teachers are only presumed to disseminate _____but they are accountable to produce students into good human beings

a. Knowledge )Right Answer)

b. Skill 

c. Attitude 

d. Ethics

8. There are _____ basic steps of career growth 

a. Three

b. Five )Right Answer)

c. Seven 

d. Nine

9. Schools and _____can play important role in facilitating socialization skills in youth for better citizenship 

a. Teachers )Right Answer)

b. Society 

c. Parents 

d. Peers


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